Nazmul Sheik | Blog
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Extra Virgin Olive Oil

HEY, LADIES!!!! Are you tired off from using the conventional cosmetics that are just wasting your time and looks??? Are you finding a chemical free solution for this problem?? Then you need not worry about this anymore . . . Learn More

Sweet Almond Oil

There are a number of oils and natural ingredients that can be used as a cosmetic agent, but above all, there is one ingredient which is all time favorite among ladies. It is none other than the sweet . . . Learn More

Pure and Unrefined Castor Oil

While gifting anyone with any jewelry item is a sure sign that you love this person this way or another, the friendship bracelet is a whole another thing. Because of the meaning that they hold, these accessories are  . . . Learn More

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If one considers the chemistry of coconut oil, it is cleared from it that although it is 90% of saturated fats still the coconut oil carries the fatty acids belonging to the medium-chained group that lacks the . . . Learn More

Aloe Vera gel as the hair and skin care agent

Are you fed up from the application of various cosmetic products for curing your beauty related issues….???? Are you getting the desired results from these conventional products??? I guess I know your answer . . . Learn More

Moroccon Argan Oil

Presenting the oil that is a gift of nature which is multitasking in its characteristics and mode of action, Argan oil. It is extracted from the kernels of argan tree that is a native plant of Morocco. It is again obtained by . . . Learn More